Asociación de Estudiantes de Lingüística


College of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

In May 2020, the students of the linguistic area of our university joined together to exchange, discuss and share information related to our discipline, through the Instagram account  @ael.ffyh. The reality is that we were few students in the area and we saw the need for a common space to interact, both among ourselves and with other students from different universities in the country interested in language sciences.

In the beginning, we started by sharing information about courses, conferences and events that took place during the pandemic, as well as job opportunities for linguists, and a section on important personalities in the discipline. In our trajectory of almost three years now, we have participated in diffrent instances of dialogue at our university and with other institutions and student associations, always exposing our experience and our concerns. In addition, and more importantly, we created the Alma Mater magazine, which has already published three issues and in which authors from all over the country -and from other countries as well- have participated.

Today we are more convinced than ever that linguistics is a field full of possibilities, where it is plausible to combine different perspectives and trajectories to continue tracing questions about the limits of this complex object that involves us. It is precisely because of the way in which language questions us that it seems fundamental to build zones of intersection with other spaces, movements and sciences.

The current and historical members of our association have had and continue to have very diverse interests in relation to linguistics: education, sociocultural studies, discourse analysis, cognitive sciences, among many others. Our goal is to open networks that promote scientific and cultural exchange with students from our university and others from around the country, and that is why we are looking for other students with their own interests to participate.

Other networks of linguists:

RELIF (Red de Lingüistas en Formación)

Red de Estudios del Lenguaje (REDELEN)