Patagonian Spanish: characteristic features of the Chubut lexicon (Escalante)


  • Maria Luz Vaquero UNC


patagonian speech, dialect, Chubut lexicon


In this paper, we intend to investigate the lexical particularities of Patagonian speech, specifically of the Chubut speech within the Escalante department. We find it interesting to consider words of the southern speech and their use in everyday life. In the first place, we will go through the contributions of Fontanella de Weinberg and Ana Virkel in order to approach studies of Patagonian speech and to observe its more generic characteristics. On the other hand, by means of surveys, we intend to approach lexical features typical of Chubutenses that are far from those more commonly associated with flora and fauna. We have observed that, in general, the lexicon of the Patagonian area is reduced to words related to these two axes. Our purpose is to recognize words typical of everyday speech and to delve into the contexts of use. 






Cambios sincrónicos y diacrónicos de las lenguas

How to Cite

Patagonian Spanish: characteristic features of the Chubut lexicon (Escalante). (2024). Alma Máter. Student Journal of Research in Linguistics, 6(7).