Presentation of virtual data corpus from Twitter about the relative constructions "lo que": an aproach to español formoseño in contact with Guarani


  • Gonzalo Valentín González Universidad Nacional de Formosa


linguistic contact, virtual corpus, Twitter, construction grammar, relative pronoun


In the province of Formosa, Argentina (NEA region)  There is a space of great richness for linguistic studies,  due to the existence of a wide diversity of native speakers communities of Amerindian languages (Vidal and Kuchenbrandt, 2015).  However, the treatment of español formoseño as a variety in contact with guaraní has received sparse attention  from linguists in their works. Among these are Abadía de Quant (1980), who defines the NEA variety as sub-standard, and Guillán (2015), with her contributions on the unstressed pronominal system (leism). It is for this last reason that the data presentation points to the future analysis of a characteristic syntactic construction of this variety of Spanish, as well as its particular realizations made by the speakers of the linguistic community (city of Formosa). In this proposal, the uses and functions of a syntactic construction of said variety will be investigated: the relative subordinates "lo que". The corpus on which it is based is elaborated from the corpus collection in social networks methodology, of which the Twitter social network stands out, a procedure that constitutes a first quantitative-qualitative approach for the study of Spanish spoken in the region.




How to Cite

Presentation of virtual data corpus from Twitter about the relative constructions "lo que": an aproach to español formoseño in contact with Guarani. (2022). Alma Máter. Student Journal of Research in Linguistics, 3.