Briefcases in the health professions


  • Norma Acerbi Cremades



Health Science professionals used to carry their instruments and medicines in a black or brown briefcase, generally made of Revista de leather, which nowadays has greatly diminished in usefulness, rationale and allegorical meaning.

It has, however, an extremely ancient origin. The shaman, wizard or sorcerer in primitive societies carried in his bag a ritual paraphernalia that served to allay fear among his people and to create or restore confidence.

Most human trades an practically al professions need the support of material elements, of a natural or industrial origin, that need to be prepared and arranged for carriage and use.

In pre-history and history, depending on the various epochs and regions, those elements were carried in knapsacks, bags, boxes, briefcases, saddlebags, and coffers.

Transition from primitive sacks to briefcases was is the result of an evolution that took several centuries.


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Author Biography

  • Norma Acerbi Cremades
    Profesora Adjunta por concurso de Cirugía e Historia de la Medicina. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Directora del Museo Histórico Hospital Nacional de Clínicas. UNC.




A historic look

How to Cite

Briefcases in the health professions. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 8 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];12(1):73-8. Available from: