Intercultural Museum Education at the Exhibition “Rio Araguaia: place of memories and identities”, Goiás, Brazil
Museal Education, Interculturality, Exhibition, Iny KarajáAbstract
Thinking about museal education from the point of view of interculturality means recognizing that coloniality is marked in our practice, generating hierarchies between museum discourses and the narratives of historically subalternised collectives. Recognizing this is the first step, which must be developed into effective actions to create ‘cracks’ in the ‘colonial edifice’. The exhibition ‘Araguaia River: place of memories and identities’ is seen as one of these ‘cracks’. Created in collaboration with indigenous researchers from the Buridina and Bdè-Burè villages in Aruanã (Goiás-Brazil), the exhibition highlighted the challenges and possibilities for overcoming the epistemic hierarchies of coloniality
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