Narrative subjection and familiar emotions

About El silencio es un cuerpo que cae by Agustina Comedi


  • Eduardo Mattio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



emotions, family, homosexuality, emotional grammar, dissidence


The interest in examining a documentary such as El silencio es un cuerpo que cae by Agustina Comedi (2017) is not limited to the analysis of the author's biographical record of her father's sexual past. It also allows for the mapping of past and present forms of homosexuality that may be unrecognizable in a present GLBT marked by greater public visibility and acceptability. In this sense, Comedi's work is not only an “archive of feelings” (Cvetkovich, 2018) in which the emotional responses - personal and collective - that from the absence of familiar and public recognition built a gay culture at the end of the last century are exhibited. It is also an “affective map” (Flatley, 2008) that provides an experience of self-estrangement that defamiliarizes us from our own affective attachments and allows us to reorient the emotional grammar to which we are subject. In this archive of images that tells of a conjectural and fragmentary past —the secret homosexual drift of his father—, not only is a “heterobiography” composed (Boero, 2017). It also reveals in an opaque way the sentimental drift of a dissident body —his father's, that of many other fags of that time— in the midst of the problematic fabric that makes up the family emotions.




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Author Biography

Eduardo Mattio, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Eduardo Mattio

Marica feminista. Doctor y Licenciado en Filosofía, UNC. Docente en la Escuela de Filosofía, FFyH, UNC. Investigador en el área FemGeS, Centro de investigaciones María Saleme de Burnichón, FFyH, UNC. Dirige el proyecto de investigación “Emociones, temporalidades, imágenes: hacia una crítica de la sensibilidad neoliberal” (2018-2021). En el entrecruce de la filosofía práctica y los estudios de género, su trabajo reciente examina desde el giro afectivo las gramáticas emocionales sexo-disidentes.


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How to Cite

Mattio, E. (2020). Narrative subjection and familiar emotions: About El silencio es un cuerpo que cae by Agustina Comedi. Toma Uno, (8).