Short films going long distances: Express Cinema; the reproduction of a model


  • Carla Grosman Auckland University of Technology



cinema made with neighbours’ express workshops, cinema and education, coloniality of being, coloniality of knowing, interculturalism


This article explores the symbolic process throughout which the project “Cinema made with neighbours’ express workshops” (2009 - 2017) introduced the possibility of short film productions made from the perspective and imaginarium of peripheral subjects. Said views, invigorated by intercultural dynamics, and incorporated into mass media networks, interacted (socio-symbolically and intersubjectively) in a collective negotiation of ethical values that managed to defy the irrefutability of dominant paradigms by proposing the possibility of an intercultural social order. Analysing such dynamic I finally propose that said workshop series stimulated a learning process that spontaneously generated the redefinition of the individual within a heterogeneous narrative of the collective and, that such new onto-epistemic framework is intrinsically a performative intervention on the coloniality of power’s narrative.


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Author Biography

Carla Grosman, Auckland University of Technology

Licenciada en Cine y Televisión de la UNC (2000). Recibió su Magíster en Artes (2006) y Doctorado en Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos (2013) de la Universidad de Auckland, New Zealand. Se especializa en intervenciones simbólicas del arte audiovisual sobre la realidad sociocultural latinoamericana. Ha publicado en revistas especializadas de Francia y Estados Unidos, y su libro La alegoría del viajero inmóvil (2018) en España e Inglaterra. Actualmente, investiga el cine comunitario argentino para Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.


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How to Cite

Grosman, C. (2019). Short films going long distances: Express Cinema; the reproduction of a model. Toma Uno, (7), 211–221.