The loneliness of the serial viewer: Notes on some characteristics of current spectatorial practices


  • Joaquín Ginés Universidad de la República



Bandersnatch, series, screens, spectatorial practices, loneliness


This article gathers certain reflections on new ways of spectatoriality produced under the context of series’ watching on computers and other screen techonologies, that differ from television. These are understood as complex practices that affect and are affected by supports and production. Taking Bandersnatch, an episode from the series Black Mirror where the spectator is expected to take decisions to build their own story, as a departure point, we analyze firstly the blurry relation between the diegetic and extradiegetic universe. Secondly, we endeavor to explain how the spectator relates to universo by using gestures, physical contact with the screen and they show certain videogame player’s characteristics. Finally, it is noted that these kind of audiovisual products need a lonely spectator and this is a characteristic of new spectatorial practices, that problematize the presence of an other in the interaction between the spectator and the communicational product.


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Author Biography

Joaquín Ginés, Universidad de la República

Nacido en Montevideo, Uruguay, el 11 de marzo de 1994. Licenciado en Comunicación, graduado en la Facultad de Información y Comunicación de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay en 2018. Actualmente, colabora como docente ayudante (grado 1) en el departamento de Teorías y Metodologías en las asignaturas Seminario Fundamentos Lingüísticos de la Comunicación (a cargo de la Prof. Dra. Lisa Block de Behar) y Semiótica General (a cargo del Prof. Dr. Fernando Andacht). También forma parte del equipo de trabajo del proyecto de recuperación y digitalización del archivo cultural del pasado uruguayo, repositorio digital Anáforas (a cargo de la Prof. Dra. Block de Behar).


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How to Cite

Ginés, J. (2019). The loneliness of the serial viewer: Notes on some characteristics of current spectatorial practices. Toma Uno, (7), 109–118.