Have you ever questioned the nature of your temporality? About Westworld and the meaning of time in TV series


  • Ariel Gómez Ponce Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




TV series, cyclic time, Yuri Lotman, cultural semiotics, freedom


We will analyze Westworld (HBO, 2016), story that allow us to exemplify how current series are working on interesting temporal disintegrations. In a special way, this will be seen through recurrence to a cyclical time, a category developed by Yuri Lotman's semiotics in order to explain the iterative, imperfect and timeless character in certain mythical texts. However, cyclicity concern a deeper semiotic mechanics, logic productive to evaluate the way in which cultural and textual systems organize their memories and model an understanding of humanity. Therefore, we will try to sketch a theoretical proposal in order to approach a methodical application and to account for some reasons of its relevance to read productions of meaning in the temporal configurations of some recent series. In this sense, Westworld functions as a representative text, an effective narration to elucidate that, behind the formal and argumental inclusion of this temporality, there is a strong questioning about the nature of freedom and the human condition.


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Author Biography

Ariel Gómez Ponce, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctor en Semiótica y Profesor en Español como Lengua Materna y Lengua Extranjera por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Actualmente, se desempeña como Profesor asistente en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNC) y como becario posdoctoral CONICET. En reuniones científicas, como también en artículos y en su libro Depredadores. Fronteras de lo humano y series de TV (2017), se dedica al análisis de series televisivas desde la semiótica de la cultura (Lotman, Bakhtin).


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How to Cite

Gómez Ponce, A. (2019). Have you ever questioned the nature of your temporality? About Westworld and the meaning of time in TV series. Toma Uno, (7), 67–86. https://doi.org/10.55442/tomauno.n7.2019.26193