The pulse of a time. Affective and activist networks for women’s film (Argentine, 1988)




Film festivals, Women, Feminism, Democracy, Culture


In 1988, the city of Mar del Plata hosted the first edition of the “Women and Film” International Women’s Film Festival, a trailblazing space aimed at disseminating the work of female directors from around the world with the goal of encouraging women’s involvement in filmmaking. The festival opened up a zone of circulation and visibility for films made by women, giving rise to an environment of collaboration and work-related and affective support which proved central as a means to establish the realm of filmmaking, with its associated trades, as an area for women to work in. Based on a feminist strategy of re-writing history that enables new emphases and approaches to emerge, and assuming a premise which posits the need to think of cinema as an object crossed by formal and aesthetic tensions, but also institutional, social, and affective ones, this paper aims at historicizing the creation of the festival as a form of association born in the spaces of activism where women met, spaces that had gained momentum in the Argentine cultural field after the return of democracy in 1983, fostering an exchange of experiences –and the recognition of one’s own experience in the collective– as the foundation of feminist political action. 



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Author Biography

  • Marcela Visconti, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Doctora en Historia y Teorías de las Artes y magíster en Comunicación y Cultura por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Se desempeña como Profesora Titular Regular de “Análisis, Crítica y Estudios sobre Cine” en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA). Integra el Comité Editorial de Mora, revista del Instituto de Investigaciones de Estudios de Género (IIEGE) de la misma institución, donde participa en proyectos sobre género, narrativas contemporáneas y cultura latinoamericana.


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How to Cite

The pulse of a time. Affective and activist networks for women’s film (Argentine, 1988). (2023). Toma Uno, 11, 65-81.