Looking and Listening. Haptic Perception and Sensorial Narrative in Gustavo Fontán’s El limonero real
Gustavo Fontán, Juan José Saer, Literature and Cinema, Haptic DimensionAbstract
This article analyzes the modes in which Gustavo Fontán’s El limonero real (2016) departs from a fluvial literary tradition but manages to paint the Paraná river by exploring the relationships between subject and landscape through the sensorial dimensions of cinema. El limonero real propose a perceptive and aesthetic intensification in order to find a new sense of experience that allows redrawing the affective geography of the Argentine coastline. In this sensorial and affective exploration of the real, the film focuses on a haptic visuality, more tactile than optical, as well as on a haptic listening (Marks, 2000, Bruno, 2010). This creates an ambiguous visual and sound perception that allows, thus, to redefine the perceptive experiences of the literary sources that inspired Fontán’s filmic project.
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