Slashing the images, the words, the sounds, the voices.

About 2 de octubre / Lejos de Tlatelolco, from Los ingrávidos


  • Miguel Errazu Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Los ingrávidos, Tlatelolco 1968, Political modernism, Experimental cinema, Rhetorics of break


Los Ingrávidos is a Mexican politically engaged film collective borned in 2011. Relying on Internet platforms for self-distribution, their work has recently gained critical attention and wide visibilization in experimental film festivals and other venues. They see their own work as a practice oriented to counter the so-called sovereingty of the governmental image of violence in Mexico through a pedagogy of the dissident image. A bold number of their films are titled following the same simple structure: one term is ‘slashed’ by another. This structure is key to undestanding the complexity of their poetics. The slash stablishes a relation between two fragments, but the nature of this relation is not given beforehand. Through an analysis of the functions of this slash in one of their short films, 2 de octubre / Lejos de Tlatelolco, I read this sign as a way to overcome the aporias set by the poetics of disjunction and binary oppositions that structured counter-cinematic rhetorics of break during the 60s and 70s, in ways that manage to maintain both their critical potency and the horizon of emancipation; both a reivindication of the formal legacy of political modernism and a certain discursive ambivalence and power of affection.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Errazu, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    UNAM. Becario del Programa de Becas Posdoctorales en la UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, asesorado por la doctora Laura González Flores.

    Investigador posdoctoral (IIE-UNAM) y Doctor en comunicación audiovisual por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Sus intereses de investigación se sitúan en el campo interdisciplinar de los estudios visuales, y especialmente en torno a las relaciones entre ideología, política, y subjetividad en el campo de los cines experimentales, las artes visuales y el vídeo. Sus textos han sido publicados en diferentes revistas de cine y estudios visuales en el ámbito iberoamericano (Turia, La fuga, Artefacto Visual, etc.). Es miembro del Seminario Universitario de Análisis Cinematográfico (SUAC) y co-editor de la revista La región central. Revista de estudios de cine (IIE-UNAM).



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How to Cite

Slashing the images, the words, the sounds, the voices.: About 2 de octubre / Lejos de Tlatelolco, from Los ingrávidos. (2018). Toma Uno, 6, 119-138.

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