The Phases of an investigation: Enrique Lihn and the Verbal Body of poetry: escritura


  • Elizabeth Joy Koza Carreira Escuela de Letras (FFyH-UNC)


writing, experience, Bachelor´s Final Thesis


This article aims to convey something of what the writing experience of my Bachelor's Final Thesis (BFT), Enrique Lihn and the Verbal Body of Poetry: The Poetic Experience and the Life of Language, was like. A work that had poetry as its object, which during the course of the research changed its central hypotheses and decided to adopt a notion from Lihn himself, that of the verbal body of poetry, and attempt to elaborate a concept based on it. It seeks to understand the BFT as the result of a research practice embedded in an institutional framework, a particular conjuncture, and an academic community. From a retrospective and personal point of view, it combines the hypotheses and conclusions of the BFT, not so much to discuss its content as to conceive the articulations between the work and the desire to write. It aims and intends to stage that process, providing elements to approach possible methodologies, drawn in a non-linear way within the research practice. Its central motivation is to unite, configure, and contribute to the relationship between life and academia.


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What was left unsaid. What was researched and its margins


How to Cite

The Phases of an investigation: Enrique Lihn and the Verbal Body of poetry: escritura. (2024). Síntesis, 15, 150-162.