Bertolt Brecht's Life of Galileo as a pedagogic device for a contextualized teaching of Physics


  • Diego Zanarini


Physics pedagogy, Physics and literature, Science history and epistemology.


In the current curricular designs of secondary school and college a contextualized teaching of the Physics is promoted, addressing historical and epistemological aspects. In this essay I will base my point of view on the particularity of the didactic transposition as involved in this contextualization. Considering the science is a human production mediated by language, I will show how the work Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht can con-stitute a didactic resource to promote a contextualized teach of scientific subjects.



How to Cite

Zanarini, D. (2017). Bertolt Brecht’s Life of Galileo as a pedagogic device for a contextualized teaching of Physics. Journal of Physics Teaching, 29, 491–498. Retrieved from