Raising interest for scientific–technological careers through experimental work at secondary schools


  • Susana Juanto
  • Fabiana Prodanoff
  • Diego Alustiza
  • Lía Zerbino
  • Jorge Ronconi
  • Nahuel Cristofoli
  • Jorge Stei


Secondary school–University relationship, Experimental work, Equipment upgrading, Physics, Chemistry.


Most secondary schools lack specialized employees for equipment repairing and maintaining, and the teachers do have neither time nor skill for the task. In that way, equipment is discarded or receives no use in science classes: the chance to interest students is lost, and even worst, the chance to gain significant learning and scientific alphabetization through experimentation, as well as further interest in scientific careers are lost. Recovered equipment use, as well as the data acquisition system developed by us, contribute to update learning processes and to increase interest in scientific and technological careers.



How to Cite

Juanto, S., Prodanoff, F., Alustiza, D., Zerbino, L., Ronconi, J., Cristofoli, N., & Stei, J. (2017). Raising interest for scientific–technological careers through experimental work at secondary schools. Journal of Physics Teaching, 29, 261–267. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/18472