Analysis of a teaching strategy for entropy in an introductory university Physics course


  • Juan Farina



Pedagogical suitability, Suitability criteria in teaching, Simulations, Teaching of entropy


In this paper we analyze an activity implemented by a physics teacher at a second year engineering course, whose purpose is to investigate to what extent the use of simulations can contribute to a better understanding of the concept of entropy in a context in which the concept is taught from a microscopic perspective. The activity incorporates a simple simulation (applet) aimed at deepening some aspects related to the notion of entropy from a microscopic perspective knowledge. It was organized to bring students to a deepening of the characteristics of the notion of equilibrium in a system similar to the case of particles in a box, to analyze how system entropy varies over time and to observe the behavior of entropy for large and small number of particles. The theoretical and methodological perspective falls within the ontosemiotic approach (EOS), particularly considering the notion of pedagogical suitability and the criteria associated to it.


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How to Cite

Farina, J. (2016). Analysis of a teaching strategy for entropy in an introductory university Physics course. Journal of Physics Teaching, 28(1), 7–20.