Bounce Light System device for teaching optics to elementary school students




Educational Physics, Teaching of Optics, Study of light reflection, Primary education, Scientific thinking in childhood


The objective of this article is to share the didactic experience by implementing the use of a device, called Bounce Light System, designed to teach light reflection at the school level and develop scientific thinking. The analysis of the experience was developed in three phases: 1) design of the device, 2) implementation of the teaching resource and 3) results of the implementation. The participants were 60 students aged eight to ten years old who were attending primary education in Mexico. By systematizing the experience, the advantages of using the Bounce Light System device are recognized; the understanding of the phenomenon of reflection, the approach to the study of optics in childhood, the development of scientific skills and attitudes, among which collaborative learning stands out.


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Teaching Narratives

How to Cite

Bounce Light System device for teaching optics to elementary school students . (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36(2), 123-130.