Eureka in classrooms: from discovery learning to discover learning


  • Carlos Alesandretti Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta
  • Marcos Martín Instituto de Educación Media “Dr. Arturo Oñativia”
  • Yudith Mamaní Cáceres Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta
  • Andrea Quinteros Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta
  • Daniel Vitulli Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta N° 6005 - Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
  • Yesica Zerpa Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Salta



Action-research, Discovery, Learning


This work describes an action research experience carried out by a group of teachers and students from the Physics Teaching Program of Salta. The initial objective was to analyze the effectiveness in classrooms of an experimental inquiry proposal aimed at the secondary level, centered on the discovery of the relationships of rotational equilibrium in a rigid body and Archimedes' principle. Students from the Practice III course of the Teaching Program participated in the prior design of the activities and their subsequent implementation in various educational institutions. This led to the process adopting a particular methodology that integrated work in secondary school classrooms with subsequent reflection in the Teaching Program classrooms. The experience provided multiple elements for analysis regarding the possibilities of implementing strategies that promote discovery learning in the teaching of physics and the advantages that such actions can offer to all actors involved in the experience.


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How to Cite

Eureka in classrooms: from discovery learning to discover learning. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36, 1-8.