Young's modulus learning by building large-scale device


  • Javier Carro Centro Regional de Profesores del Sur. Departamento de Física
  • Mateo Marques Centro Regional de Profesores del Sur. Departamento de Física
  • Facundo Pareja Centro Regional de Profesores del Sur. Departamento de Física
  • Xamira Moreira Centro Regional de Profesores del Sur. Departamento de Física
  • Antony Silva Centro Regional de Profesores del Sur. Departamento de Física
  • Mathías Aleman Centro Regional de Profesores del Sur. Departamento de Física
  • José Di Laccio Centro Regional de Profesores del Litoral - Universidad de la República. Depto. de Física


Physics learning, Active methodologies, Physics teachers, Laboratories, Young's modulus


The present work analyses a laboratory experience for learning physics by using an active learning methodology. The design of the experimental device, the collection of measurements, the processing and analysis are carried out in an open space within the educational institution premises, both accessible and visible to all educational stakeholders. The activity, with the first-year physics teachertrainees involves the construction of a large-scale experimental device. Such a device is used to determine Young's modulus of a galvanized steel wire, by the amount of stretch it experiences when subjected to a pulling force. As a result, the students obtained a Young's modulus within the expected value range.


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How to Cite

Young’s modulus learning by building large-scale device . (2023). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 35, 61-67.