University teachers thinking as a result of a change of academic contexts


  • Beatriz Milicic



Undergraduate teaching, Teacher thinking, Physics for non-physicists, Academic culture


Usually, teaching training of university professors resembles that of medieval craftsmen, the result of which is the uncritical repetition of the teaching models implemented by their undergraduate Faculty. When a teacher changes context, the generally successful action models in the faculty of origin present problems in the new context, generating insecurities and dilemmas. These experiences are interpreted from concepts related to academic culture: interpretations shared by members of a culture provide guidelines on how to behave and what to expect from other members. When changing their context, the shared interpretations are different, generating these instabilities. The immigrant metaphor is used to interpret the experiences of teachers.


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How to Cite

University teachers thinking as a result of a change of academic contexts. (2019). Journal of Physics Teaching, 31(1), 27-35.