Connecting sciences: educational interfaces using the Arduino environment


  • María Llera
  • Ariel Scagliotti
  • Guillermo Jorge


Interfaces, Experiments, Sensors, Arduino, Physics teaching.


In this project we try to revalue the experimental activities within the classroom being aware that it is very difficult to obtain laboratory material suitable and functioning within each school, either for the costs or maintenance required by this equipment. In this work we present an economical alternative for the development of experimental activities using an interface made with Arduino plates and sensors, which uses a free language. In particular the project used a lux meter, an ultrasonic sensor and a thermocouple. We also add some elements to form a teaching kit where students can cover basic needs for the realization of activities of heat and temperature, light, and movement. The prototype designed allows making changes and incorporating sensors. The interfaces were delivered in different schools in the area of influence of the National University of General Sarmiento with the respective training process for teachers to use.




How to Cite

Connecting sciences: educational interfaces using the Arduino environment. (2017). Journal of Physics Teaching, 29, 381-389.