University students’ conceptions in particle kinematics and dynamics


  • Alejandra Rosolio
  • Rosana Cassan
  • Elena Llonch
  • Patricia Sanchez


Particle kinematics and dynamics, Problem solving, University students, Situational model, Cog-nitive biases.


Results of research in science teaching have addressed the presence of bias in student reasoning when they undertake problem solving activities. In the present work we analyze the performances of basic university Physics students of engineering degrees when they solve a set of problematic situations with multiple choice formats with justification, on kinematic and particle dynamics contents. In this task, students are expected to display their argumentative skills and show how they relate the information provided by the statement with what is expressed in the selected option. The results of the analysis show that a considerable number of students in the sample produce their justifications by applying heuristic principles, especially the so–called accessibility principle, and those justifications are affected by the presence of reasoning biases.




How to Cite

University students’ conceptions in particle kinematics and dynamics. (2017). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 29, 185-196.