Towards strengthening Indonesia-Namibia economic relations

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Sulthon Sjahril Sabaruddin


This paper discusses current Indonesia-Namibia bilateral economic relations and explores opportunities and the way forward in elevating this existing relationship to a higher level. The study shows that the respective foreign policy agendas of these two nations coincide with their common interests particularly to enhance economic relations through economic diplomacy. Based on the product competitiveness mapping analysis, the study concludes that there are potential opportunities to strengthen bilateral trade relations due to the complementarity of both countries’ export products. The study also reveals the competitiveness of the two countries’ respective export products remains low. The partial equilibrium free trade simulation employed shows that both countries would potentially benefit from bilateral FTA arrangements. This is based on assumed higher trade volumes and consumer surpluses, which would offset predicted tariff revenue loss. The study also conducted the future scenario planning and trends analysis, in which the best scenario from the case is Scenario 3, where both countries should pursue Indonesia-SACU PTA as both parties would be better off based on the predicted economic potential benefits. Apart from trade, promoting Indonesian outbound investment and technical cooperation are another potential win-win economic cooperation for both countries.

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Biografía del autor/a

Sulthon Sjahril Sabaruddin, Embajada de la República de Indonesia en Windhoek

Sulthon Sjahril is a Senior Career Diplomat (Counsellor) and currently assigned as the Head of Economic Division at the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek (2020-2024). His diplomatic service experience includes: as a Chargé d’Affaires Indonesian Embassy in Sana’a (2016-2018) and Indonesian Embassy Attaché in Santiago (2010-2011). His recent assignments at the MoFA headquarter including: the Centre for Education and Training (2019-2020) and the Centre for Policy Analysis and Development in American and European Regions (2013-2016).
He completed his PhD in International Economics from Universitas Indonesia in 2012, Master of Business Administration from Charles Sturt University (2005) and Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Wollongong, Australia (2003). He completed the Senior-Career Foreign Service Officer Course (2023) and did two postdoctoral programs: Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (2022-2024) and the Senior Fulbright Scholar scheme (Postdoctoral Program) at the Department of Economics, Pomona College and Claremont Graduate University, California (2014-2015). He also had the opportunity to become a Visiting Professor at Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico (2015), and a Visiting Diplomatic Scholar at Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nacion, Buenos Aires (2012).

Cómo citar

Towards strengthening Indonesia-Namibia economic relations. (2024). 1991. Revista De Estudios Internacionales, 6(1), 27-45.


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