The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Argentine (AEQ-AR): internal and external validity, reliability, gender differences and norm-referenced interpretation of test scores




achievement emotion, test anxiety, control-value theory, questionnaire, measurement, Spanish


This  article  reports  on  the  reliability,  internal  validity,  external  validity,  gender  differences,  and  norms  of  a
Spanish  version  of  the  Achievement  Emotions  Questionnaire  (Pekrun  et  al.,  2011)  adapted  for  Argentinean  university
students (namely  AEQ-AR).  The  AEQ-AR  contains  24  scales  measuring  enjoyment,  hope,  pride, relief,  anger,  anxiety,
shame,  hopelessness,  and  boredom  during  class,  while  studying,  and  when  taking  tests  and  exams.   Argentinean
undergraduates studying at the National University of Córdoba participated in the study.  An estimation sample (N = 400)
and a validation sample (N = 266) were formed to examine internal validity and reliability. The total sample (N = 666) was
used to analyze external validity, gender differences and to obtain norms for the scales.  Results indicate that the scales are
reliable,  internally valid as demonstrated by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and externally valid in terms of
relationships with  task value, social academic self-efficacy, achievement goals, avoidance of help seeking, and  academic
performance. In addition,  partial support for the gender differences hypothesis of prospective and retrospective emotions
related to  negative  results  was  found.  The  obtained  norms  for  male and  female  students  will  allow  interpret  the  scores
obtained for practical purposes. Finally, instructions and scales of the AEQ-AR are presented in the appendix.


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Author Biography

Javier Sánchez-Rosas, Laboratory of Psychological and Educational Assessment, Faculty of Psychology, National University of Cordoba, Argentina

Dr. en Psicología, Profesor Asistente, Facultad de Psicología, UNC.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Rosas, J. (2015). The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Argentine (AEQ-AR): internal and external validity, reliability, gender differences and norm-referenced interpretation of test scores. Revista Evaluar, 15(1).



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