Proactive Interference Task to Measure Cognitive Inhibition in 6 to 8-year-old Children
cognitive inhibition, measurement, children, reliability, validity, percentilesAbstract
Cognitive inhibition is an executive function that allows to suppress the irrelevant information of the working memory, which interferes with the actual activity. Literature suggests that cognitive inhibition experiments changes during childhood and is related with children’s daily performance. However, measurement of cognitive inhibition is hampered by the lack of adequate, reliable and valid instruments. In this study a task to measure cognitive inhibition in children between the ages of 6 to 8 years in primary school was presented. Reliability and validity analysis were carried out and percentiles (preliminary scores) were calculated. A sample of 198 children participated and a non-experimental design was used. Results suggest an adequate level of internal consistency, compliance with the internal criteria according to the base paradigm and convergent validity. We discuss the importance of deepening and expanding these analyses.
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