Dimensionality of a Prosocial Behavior Scale





prosocial behavior, dimensionality, aid, comforting, positive psychology


Prosocial behavior is regarded as positive social conduct with or without altruistic motivation. The realization of this type of behavior boosts self-esteem and contributes to the construction of support networks. The aim of this study was to analyze the dimensionality of the Prosocial Behavior Scale (ECP) by Aune, Abal, and Attorresi, comprising 28 items. An accidental sample of 692 individuals
who responded to the ECP was selected from Gran Buenos Aires and Argentine provinces. Twenty-five cases were disregarded, as they were considered anomalous according to Mahalanobis distance. The study was carried out using Exploratory Factor Analysis based on a polychoric correlation matrix with promax rotation. Parallel Analysis procedure was chosen to determine the
number of factors, which was estimated by the method of non-weighted least squares. A model of 15 items and two factors achieved adequate fit indices (GFI = .99, RMSR = .0384), accounting for 50.61% of the variance. These results are consistent with the literature, since items related to comfort were grouped by one of the factors, while items involving aid were grouped by the second factor


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How to Cite

Dimensionality of a Prosocial Behavior Scale. (2017). Revista Evaluar, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.35670/1667-4545.v17.n1.17072