Normas categoriales para una muestra de hablantes adultos del español de Argentina
category norms, semantic categories, semantic fluency, normative dataAbstract
In this paper we present the first category norms for the Spanish of Argentina. Undergraduate students wereassessed in a written fluency task in 20 semantic categories: animals, fruits, vegetables, body parts, trees, flowers,
professions, tools, kitchen utensils, musical instruments, vehicles, furniture, clothing, appliances, school supplies, sports,
parts of the house, games, countries and gemstones. We obtained data for the total number of members produced in each
semantic category, average per category, the frequency of earlier activated members in each category, the first item for each
category and a range of presentation for each member. No previous work for the Spanish -speaking population of Argentina
was found, although there are some category norms for the Spanish-speaking population of other regions. We expect this
data to be useful for research in the field of Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics, and also to provide suitable selection of
stimuli for assessment and treatment of patients with brai n injuries.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Julieta Fumagalli, Diego Shalóm, Federico Soriano, Julia Carden, Paula Cabañas Fale, Ailín Tomio, Geraldine Borovinsky, Macarena Martínez-Cuitiño
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