Creative antagonism in William Blake: a non-populist form of politic polarization
William Blake, Ernesto Laclau,, antagonism, populism, affective polarizationAbstract
In this paper we develop an analysis of how the idea of antagonism in the work of the poet William Blake is incompatible with the populist antagonism as Ernesto Laclau understands it, and how the antagonism in Blake helps overcome the obstacles towards progress derived from the populist idea of antagonism.
The comparison between both forms of antagonism and their implications is structured in three topics. The first topic is the idea of antagonism in the thought of each author, where we distinguish the relations of negation and contrariety in Blake, and the friend/enemy dynamics in Laclau. The second topic is the construction of identities, where we explore the idea of “minute particulars” in Blake and “empty signifier” in Laclau. And the third topic is the possibility of progress derived from each idea of antagonism, where we explore the forgiveness in Blake and the danger of “affective polarization” (Iyengar et al., 2019) in populism.
Our conclusion is that Blake’s antagonism better fosters progress by stating the coexistence of contraries in creative tension thanks to a precise definition of identities and the exercise of forgiveness.
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