References and Sources

Printed Book

Last name, First name (Year). Book title. Publisher.
Bajtín, Mijaíl (1982). Estética de la creación verbal. Siglo XXI.

Digital Book

Last name, First name (Year). Book title. Publisher. URL or DOI.
Escobar, Ticio (2021). Contestaciones: Arte y política desde América Latina. Textos reunidos de Ticio Escobar (1982-2021). CLACSO.

Book Chapter

Last name, First name (Year). Chapter title. In Book title (pp. xx). Publisher.
Bajtín, Mijaíl (1989). Epic and Novel: Toward a Methodology for the Study of the Novel. In Theory and Aesthetics of the Novel. Taurus.

Book Chapter with Editor, Compiler, or Translator

Last name, First name (Year). Chapter or entry title. In First name Last name (Ed./Comp./Trans.), Book title (xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xx-xx). Publisher.
Sarlo, Beatriz (2016). The Margin of Everything. In F. Casas (Ed.), Zona Saer (1st ed., Vol. 1, pp. 11-22). Universidad Diego Portales.

Journal Article

Last name, First name (Year). Article title. Journal name, Volume(issue), cited pages. Publisher. URL.
Vezzetti, H. (2004). Memory Policies: The Museum at ESMA. Punto de Vista. Revista de Cultura, XXVII(79), pp. 3-8.

If the journal article has a DOI, it should be included:
Castañeda Naranjo, L. A. & Palacios Neri, J. (2015). Nanotechnology: A Source of New Paradigms. Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria en Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, 7(12), 45-49.

Academic Works

Last name, First name (Year). Title of thesis/monograph/essay. [Master's/Doctoral Thesis]. URL.
Spinetta, Marina I. (2019). Women's Political Participation: Scenarios, Practices, and Identities in Radicalism and Peronism (Córdoba, 1945-1955). [Doctoral Thesis].

Webpages (With Named Author)

Last name, First name (Date of consultation). Article title. Website name. URL.
Moret, D. (October 7, 2019). 7 Tips for Applying for a Mortgage. Rastreator.

Webpages (Without Named Author)

Source name or website (Date of consultation). Title of the consulted webpage. URL.
La Política Online (March 2, 2024). The IMF Pushed Milei's Moderation with Congress: "We Need Laws."

Social Media Content (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)

Name of person or group (@username). (Publication date). Post content (limited to the first 20 words, including hashtags) [Audiovisual description]. [Social Media Platform]. URL.
Obama, B. [@BarackObama]. (January 12, 2016). Real opportunity requires every American to get the education and training they need to land a good-paying job [Tweet]. Twitter.