Citation Format: External Sources
Supporting Citations
Summarize ideas without quoting verbatim. Reference must be in parentheses.
- Example: (Russo, 2017).
Paraphrased Citations
Retain key ideas from another author but rephrase in indirect style.
- Example: (Cámara, 2021).
Direct Quotations
Short quotes (under 40 words): Use double quotation marks (“ ”), Times New Roman 12.
- Example: The scholar states that “the archive has become an ‘operator’ essential to our contemporaneity” (Cámara, 2021, p. 11).
Long quotes (40+ words):
- Separated by a paragraph break
- Times New Roman 12, no quotation marks, 2.5 cm left indentation, justified alignment
- Example:
The affective perspective constitutes an interdisciplinary field that brings together various approaches and is proposed as a project to explore alternative ways of approaching affective, passionate, or emotional dimensions… (Author, year, p. …).
Ellipses for omitted text:
- Example: "The language of literature ... represents an even more complex system” (Author, year, p. …).
Brackets for added words:
- Example: “The archive has become an ‘operator’ essential [and unavoidable for thinking about art] in our contemporaneity” (Cámara, 2021, p. 11).
Citation Format: Tables and Figures
- Figure [number]: Times New Roman 10, bold, centered.
- Title: Times New Roman 10, centered, no final period.
- Image: Graphic, photograph, illustration.
- Note: Times New Roman 10, centered (abbreviations, definitions).
- Source: Copyright attribution or webpage link.
Films & Series: (Director’s name, year, time range)
- Example (Film): (Encina, 2006, minute 00:30).
- Example (Series): (Simon, 2002, S:1, E:1, minute 23:37).
Social Media Content: Figure [number] (Name, year).
- Example: Figure 1 (Memes de la Escuela de Letras, 2022).