Poor Things: surrealism and dark satire throughan immersive exploration of color and symbolism



surrealism, satire, Yorgos Lanthimos, Poor Things


In this article, we will approach the poetic-aesthetic proposal embodied by director Yorgos Lanthimos in his most recent feature film, Poor Things (2024). It could be suggested that, in this film, Lanthimos configures surrealist and satirical aesthetics that are achieved through the combination of certain procedures and cinematographic resources, mainly the use of the chromatic palette and the evocation of surrealist atmospheres. For the analysis, we concentrated on certain relevant theoretical categories in the field of cinema linked to theories on the use of color and its meaning in the cinematographic narrative.


Barthes, Roland (1957) Mythologies. Seuil

Batchelor, David (2000) Chromophobia. Reaktion Books

Breton, André (1924) Manifeste du surréalisme. Éditions du Sagittaire

Buñuel, Luis (1984) My Last Sigh. Random House

Eisenstein, Sergei (1949) Film Form: Essays in Film Theory. Harcourt Brace

Jeancolas, Jean-Pierre (1992) La belle époque du cinéma français. Éditions du Cerf

Kallir, Jane (1990) Egon Schiele: The Complete Works. Harry N. Abrams

Krausse, Judith (2000) Albert Robida: The Father of the Future. The MIT Press

Mulvey, Laura (1975) Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Screen, 16 (3) pp. 6-18

Peppiatt, Michael (2008) Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma. Harvard University Press

Shelley, Mary (s/f.). Frankenstein. https://biblioteca.org.ar/libros/133605.pdf

Silver, Larry (2001) Hieronymus Bosch. Abbeville Press


Lanthimos, Yorgos (Director) (2023) Poor Things [película]. Productora: Searchlight Pictures

y Element Pictures



02/14/2025 — Updated on 02/14/2025




Academic Articles – Open Topic

How to Cite

Bustos Ibarra, L. N. (2025). Poor Things: surrealism and dark satire throughan immersive exploration of color and symbolism. Polifónicxs, 1(1). https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/polifonicxs/article/view/48067