Gender policies at the National University of Villa María (UNVM): frameworks for recognition and visibility


  • Marcela Pozzi Vieyra Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Humanas. Villa María, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Secretaria de Bienestar
  • Rocío García Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Centro de Conocimiento, Formación e Investigación en Estudios Sociales (CCONFINES). Villa María, Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).
  • María Pía Vassia Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Humanas. Villa María, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Secretaria de Bienestar. Programa de Género y Sexualidades. Villa María, Argentina.
  • María Victoria Hinojosa Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales. Villa María, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Secretaria de Bienestar. Programa de Género y Sexualidades. Villa María, Argentina.


Gender Policies, Recognition, Protocol, violences


The following article intends to reflect on one of the main gender policies that universities have produced to address gender violence: the protocols. The approach to them is made from some theoretical notions that allow us to understand what gender policies do, beyond their operational dimension, their implementation. What effects, what disputes, what forms of action they propose. We then focus on being able to comment on our gender policies, specifically the Protocol, the approach it proposes and how it is thought to be articulated with other policies. We stop at a process that has been key due to its implications, lessons learned and challenges such as the formation of an Academic Tribunal in the framework of a complaint. From this situated and contextual journey, we move towards Judith Butler's proposal of recognition and visibility frameworks, to rethink gender policies, in this proposal that runs through the text: that university spaces contemplate the diversity of lives and ways of live it.


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How to Cite

Pozzi Vieyra, M., García, R., Vassia, M. P., & Hinojosa, M. V. (2023). Gender policies at the National University of Villa María (UNVM): frameworks for recognition and visibility . Polémicas Feministas, 7, 1–19. Retrieved from