Life, death in/ from transvestite writing


  • María Gabriela Onetti Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


transvestite writing, death, life, mourning


From a deconstructivist perspective, this essay reflects on the life-death oppositional pair. It takes transvestite writing as a vanishing point towards other ways of thinking/inhabiting life and death, thelifethedeath. On this path, the aim is to account for the vital relationship that exists between writing -and in a paradigmatic way, transvestite writing- and death. We understand that writing opens a space-time hiatus that brings the non-present, the absent, the dead. For this we used the book Travesti/ Una Teoría lo Suficientemente Buena by Marlene Wayar and the ongoing dialogues with her friends and partners: Susy Shock, Claudia Rodríguez; and all her/their dead women. In this way, the text rehearses other possible links with death and dead women in/from transvestite writing. In short, we ask ourselves again and again: what to do with a cemetery in our heads, how to elaborate/write the death of our friends, our partners: all avoidable and dreadful deaths?


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Author Biography

María Gabriela Onetti, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. School of Letters. Córdoba, Argentina. National University of Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones de Periodismo y Comunicación "Héctor Schmucler" (CIPECO). Sol Viñolo" Reading Group.


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Derrida, Jacques (2010). La bestia y el soberano: seminario, 2001-2003. Volumen 1, Manantial.

Derrida, Jacques (1975). La farmacia de Platón. La diseminación. Fundamentos.

Derrida, Jacques (2021). La vida la muerte: seminario, 1975-1976. Eterna Cadencia.

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Rodriguez, Claudia (2021). Poesía Travesti, resentía y furiosa. Té de boldo.

Shock, Susy (2020). Realidades: poesía reunida. Muchas Nueces.

Wayar, Marlene (2018), Travesti/ Una teoría lo suficientemente buena. Muchas Nueces.



How to Cite

Onetti, M. G. (2022). Life, death in/ from transvestite writing. Polémicas Feministas, 6, 1–12. Retrieved from