Transcribing history in present-day struggles. Dialogues with Ivanna Aguilera and Eugenio Talbot Wright


  • Fidel Azarian
  • Pascual Scarpino


Transfeminisms, Life stories, Survival, History, Human Rights


We present the dialogues we had during this time of crisis with two historical referents of the trans/transvestite struggles in Córdoba: Ivanna Aguilera, a 63-year-old trans woman, and Eugenio Talbot Wright, a 47-year-old trans man; both survivors of the short life expectancy of 37 years that trans people have in Argentina. We talked about their trajectories, journeys and links with feminisms and LGTTTBI+ activisms.


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Author Biographies

Fidel Azarian

LGBT+ activist, PhD candidate in Political Science, member of the research team "Feminismos en disputa", Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), and of the collective "El llano en llamas", Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC).

Pascual Scarpino

Marica feminist, Lic. in Social Work and PhD Candidate in Gender Studies, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Researcher of "El Telar: feminist community of Latin American thought" National University of Córdoba (UNC).



How to Cite

Azarian, F., & Scarpino, P. (2021). Transcribing history in present-day struggles. Dialogues with Ivanna Aguilera and Eugenio Talbot Wright. Polémicas Feministas, 4, 1–20. Retrieved from