Editorial Team

Editorial Team 2023

General Coordination: Natalia Martínez Prado (IDH-CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Lucía Bertona (CONICET-IDH, UNC)

Paola Bonavitta (CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

María Eugenia Gastiazoro (CONICET-CIJS, UNC)

Romina Lerussi (CONICET-CIFFyH, UNC)

Pascual Scarpino (CONICET-IDH, UNC)

Communication and design: Lic. Soledad Quadri

Proofreading and editing: Catalina Isabella De Carlini


Editorial Team 2022

Returning to a post-pandemic presentiality, between poetry, music and activism, we present at Casa Verde the new work team and the call for the 6th issue of Polémicas Feministas. We continue to bet on polemicising and reflecting through words and art.

General Coordination: Natalia Martínez Prado (IDH-CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Luisina Nahilin Alfonzo (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Lucía Bertona (CONICET-IDH, UNC)

Paola Bonavitta (CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

María Eugenia Gastiazoro (CONICET-CIJS, UNC)

Romina Lerussi (CONICET-CIFFyH, UNC)

Javier López (FFyH, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Cecilia Inés Luque (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Ornella Maritano (CIECS-CONICET, UNC)

Pascual Scarpino (CONICET-IDH, UNC)

Editorial Team 2019 - 2021

A few months before the pandemic began, we met at FemGeS to reactivate Polémicas Feministas, with the intention of recovering an editorial space with our own stamp and thinking about the challenges of the times. From issue 4 onwards, the magazine has been published annually in an exclusively digital format.

General Coordination: Natalia Martínez Prado (IDH-CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Paola Bonavitta (CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Romina Lerussi (CONICET-CIFFyH, UNC)

Javier López (FFyH, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Cecilia Inés Luque (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Ornella Maritano (CIECS-CONICET, UNC)

Sofía Menoyo (FA - FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Liliana Pereyra (FemGeS-CIFFyH, History School, UNC)

Ivana Puche (FemGeS-CIFFyH, F. Psycho, UNC)

Editorial Team 2014 - 2019

Years of personal and collective transitions, of great challenges and learning, during which issue 3 of Polémicas Feministas is only available in digital format, which broadens the possibilities for cross-border readings, interventions and proposals.

Directed by: Alejandra Martín (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Romina Lerussi (CONICET-CIFFyH, UNC)

Cecilia Inés Luque (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Natalia Martínez Prado (CONICET, FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Maite Rodigou (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Editorial Team 2011 - 2013

Polémicas Feministas was born as a university publishing and activist initiation project. The magazine was the first feminist publication of its kind at the UNC. The first two issues were published exclusively in paper format.

Directors: Cecilia Inés Luque (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Nidia Fernández (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Romina Lerussi (CONICET-CIFFyH, UNC)

Alejandra Martín (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Patricia Morey (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Gabriela Robledo (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)

Maite Rodigou (FemGeS-CIFFyH, UNC)