Code of Ethics

Authors' responsibilities 

Authors should take into account the Guidelines for Authors, considering the indications established for each of the sections. They should ensure that their papers are original, that they have not been previously published, and that they have not been submitted for evaluation by other scientific publications. In this sense, the submission of a proposal implies the commitment that it is a work of authorship, with agreement and full knowledge of the content of the work submitted for evaluation, avoiding texts that are minor modifications of previously published articles. 

The submission of the article implies the assumption by the authors of its adequacy to the above mentioned rules and the commitment not to commit plagiarism.

The submission of communication proposals must be preceded by the review of the Checklist for Submissions.

Authors must accept that the final decision on publication is the prerogative of the Editorial Committee. In addition, when submitting papers to Pescadora de Perlas. Revista de estudios arendtianos, they agree that their work may be disseminated under the license indicated in the Author Rights Notices. The authorship of the work should be attributed only to the persons who have contributed significantly in the elaboration of the work, whether in the theoretical discussion, in the systematization, in the analysis of the data, in the interpretation of the results or in the writing of the text.

The submission of the work implies the assumption that the work does not infringe copyright, trademark or intellectual property rights of third parties, as well as the responsibility for all the terms and opinions contained in the work. This implies that they are fully responsible for any claims by third parties, and that they undertake to provide retractions or corrections if necessary.

Authors must be free of any personal or commercial association that may imply a conflict of interest in relation to the article submitted and must previously express their disagreement with possible evaluators who may be appointed for the tasks of revision and correction. They should also accept suggestions for changes in the content, if any, after revision, and for changes in the style of the manuscript by proofreaders who may work at Pescadora de Perlas. 

In the case of translations, the author of the translated version will be responsible for managing the publication permissions of the texts. 

Responsibilities of evaluators

Reviewers will follow the structured review guidelines provided by the journal, and will seek to respect the review deadlines indicated. The objective is to achieve an honest, ethical and constructive criticism in such a way that the author receives a return that allows him/her to improve his/her work, consolidating the culture of scientific knowledge construction.

It will be the obligation of the evaluators to communicate to the Editorial Committee in case there is a conflict of interest or inability to evaluate an article.

Reviewers must respect the confidentiality of the information related to the editorial process.

If a case of plagiarism is identified that has not been detected in the review stage carried out by the Editorial Committee, they must communicate it in the evaluation and reject the article. 

Responsibilities of the Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee will carry out the tasks of reviewing the papers received, trying to examine that the proposals are in accordance with the editorial line of the journal and to detect plagiarism or self-plagiarism, which will be sufficient reason to reject the articles.

The Editorial Committee will be responsible for maintaining the anonymity of those who send contributions and those who evaluate, guaranteeing that the process of reception and review of the article follows the rules established by Pescadora de Perlas and maintains the confidentiality of the parties involved in the editorial process.

The Editorial Committee undertakes to ensure that the evaluation of the articles is carried out by persons with expertise in the subject.

The Editorial Committee undertakes to communicate to the authors the opinion resulting from the evaluation process. Pescadora de Perlas journal reserves the right to publish the accepted work in a subsequent issue. 

Plagiarism policy

If plagiarism is detected during the evaluation process, the article will be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after the publication of the issue, the article will be withdrawn. Self-plagiarism will also be considered as common plagiarism. The Journal may decide to prevent those who commit plagiarism from future publications in the journal.