Cases "A" and "L": The analyst's position between delirium and hallucination


  • Sebastián Ávila Sánchez Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali - Colombia


psychosis, social link, transference, analyst's position, secretary of the alienated


This article is part of the final monographic workshop of the subject of Treatment of Psychoses and Madness of the Specialization in Clinical Psychology of Psychoanalytic Orientation at the UBA. The objective is elucidate the analysis of two cases of psychosis having as main axis the position of the analyst from the role of the secretary of the alienated. In case A, there are some setbacks on the part of the analyst, which in Freud's words could be said to be part of the trial period, in which several maneuvers were installed that allowed for the differential diagnosis and the common thread of the intervention. with the patient and his family. In case L, on the other hand, a lodging of the word is evidenced without the urgency of a diagnosis and a time to understand. Questions are needed for future clinical research work: what to do to introduce the discourse of logical times in public health that needs to say that it advocates the well-being of all.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Ávila Sánchez, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali - Colombia

Psicólogo. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia (2012-2017).

Beca Javier (2012-2016). 

Monitor como apoyo a la docencia. Asignatura: Neurociencias I

Semillero de Investigación PRISMAS. Línea de Investigación en Neurociencias y Neuropsicología. Grupo de Investigación BITACUS, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali. 

Trabajo colaborativo de investigación cualitativa presentado en el Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicología de la Salud, ALAPSA de 2016, en Cali, Colombia: "Percepciones y Motivaciones frente al uso del condón en hombres homosexuales y heterosexuales de una universidad privada" (Ávila, Cardona, Guayara y Varón, 2016). 

Trabajo de grado como requisito parcial para obtener el título de Psicólogo presentado en el Congreso Latinoaméricano de Psicolo´gía de la Salud ALAPSA de 2018 en la Habana, Cuba: "Comunicación recíproca entre niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista y su psicólogo en el Contexto Terapéutico" (Ávila y Cadavid, 2018). 

Estudiante de la Carrera de Especialización en Psicología Clínica de Orientación Psicoanalítica. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (UBA). 


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How to Cite

Ávila Sánchez, S. (2022). Cases "A" and "L": The analyst’s position between delirium and hallucination . Pathos, 4, 86–95. Retrieved from



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