Body, era and sexuation

From nomadic jouissance to the impossibility of jouissance


  • Paula Husni Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina


body, sexuation, gender, identification


In this work, certain aspects of the body, jouissance and sexuation arepresented, based on references from the gender discourse, establishing acounterpoint with the logic proposed by psychoanalysis. In the case of the firstdiscourse, both sexual identification and the way in which the body is satisfiedare described as the echo of the mark on the body reproduced by sociallyestablished gender practices in a dominant and heteronormative discourse; inthis sense, they indicate that patriarchal power and dominant binarism skew andcondition the gentile fixation leaving jouissance located only in those erogenouszones. On the side of psychoanalysis, it is underlined that both men and womencan only be conceived as signifiers, that is, they are only semblants that can beunderstood as modes of naming themselves that do not say anything about theposition of jouissance; that is why it is not possible to speak of a standard normof a mode of jouissance, and that is what gender discourse does not know. Forpsychoanalysis, unlike gender discourse, structural violence is defined on thebasis of the encounter of the parlêtre with language, which leaves unique markson which will be based varied and contingent encounters with external, social,and family violence, the violence ―which there is― of the immeasurable turnsof the subject in the world.


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How to Cite

Husni, P. (2021). Body, era and sexuation: From nomadic jouissance to the impossibility of jouissance. Pathos, 2(2), 23–35. Retrieved from