Are there any risk factors for developing complications with the use of retrievable vena cava filters in orthopaedic surgery?


  • Pablo A. I. Slullitel
  • María Lourdes Posadas-Martinez HOSPITAL ITALIANO
  • Fernando Díaz Dilernia
  • Joaquín Stagnaro
  • Mariano Revah
  • Liliana Rojas
  • Martín A. Buttaro
  • Gastón A. Slullitel



retrievable vena cava filter, thromboembolic disease, orthopedic surgery, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism,


Background: In high-risk patients, common prophylaxis may be insufficient to prevent thromboembolic events after orthopaedic procedures. In this scenario, a retrievable vena cava filter (VCF) could be considered as an alternative, although it's use remains controversial. Therefore, we asked: (1) what is the overall mechanical complication rate associated with the use of retrievable VCFs in orthopaedic surgery?, (2) what is the association with thromboembolic disease (TED) recurrence, post-thrombotic syndrome and/or major bleeding according to different surgical characteristics?, (3) What is the overall mortality rate attributed to VCF use?

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 68 patients who underwent orthopaedic surgery with a previous diagnosis of TED, in whom a retrievable VCF was placed. Permanent filters were excluded. We studied the filter’s mechanical complications and considered as possible outcomes death and 3 hematologic complications: TED recurrence, post-thrombotic syndrome and major bleeding. To estimate association with risk factors, we subclassified surgeries into 5 groups: 1, arthroplasty/non-arthroplasty; 2, primary/revision; 3, elective/urgent; 4, oncologic/non-oncologic; 5, preoperative/postoperative filter.

Results: Mechanical complications were 16% and required a filter revision. Sixty-four percent of the revised VCFs developed a mechanical failure and could not be retrieved. Overall prevalence of TED recurrence, post-thrombotic syndrome and hemorrhage was 33%, 15% and 4.5%, respectively. Spinal surgeries were a risk factor for developing TED recurrences.  Only 4% of patients died of a TED recurrence.

Conclusions: Orthopaedic procedures had a high risk of mechanical and hematologic complications after using a retrievable VCF. However, mortality was low due to these complications.


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Biografia do Autor

María Lourdes Posadas-Martinez, HOSPITAL ITALIANO




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Como Citar

Slullitel PAI, Posadas-Martinez ML, Díaz Dilernia F, Stagnaro J, Revah M, Rojas L, Buttaro MA, Slullitel GA. Are there any risk factors for developing complications with the use of retrievable vena cava filters in orthopaedic surgery?. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 27º de julho de 2018 [citado 7º de julho de 2024];75(2):119-27. Disponível em:



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