Theoretical and behavioral features to be considered when planning and implementing a PBL Curriculum


  • Alberto Enrique D'Ottavio "Universidad Nacional de Rosario"


Palabras clave:

Theory, Behavior, Planning, Implementation, PBL, Curriculum


This work complements former articles about an Argentinean PBL curriculum after twelve years of development. In this context, it points out determined inflexible features linked to its theoretical-pedagogical basis and certain counter-productive behaviors detected in some planners, teachers and students during its design and/or enduring implementation. Hence, reflections are made on learning and adult learning (andragogy) theories. Furthermore, related questions and some aspects to be overcome are presented and analyzed. In this way, it also intends to honestly and responsibly warn well-trained curriculum planners and executors to be cautious when choosing and managing learning theories. Likewise, it complementarily highlights the need of refocusing teachers that, pretending to be forward-looking ones, end up harming what at first proclaimed to benefit: the students




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Biografía del autor/a

Alberto Enrique D'Ottavio, "Universidad Nacional de Rosario"

Profesor Honorario de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas e Investigador Superior de la Carrera del investigador Científico de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario


D’Ottavio AE, Bassan ND. Reflections on remaining obstacles in a primary-care oriented pure PBL curriculum after twelve years of implementation. JPBLHE 2014; 2; 1-3

D’Ottavio AE. Currículos ABP: apreciaciones sobre sus bases teóricas (Carta al Editor). Acta Méd. Peruana, 2015; 32; 129-130

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Popper G. La lógica de la investigación científica. Editorial Tecnos; Madrid, España; 1973

Bissonete D. Adult vs. Adolescent Learning Styles. In: http://im404504.wikidot. com /adult-vs-adolescent-learning-styles Accessed 4/11/2015

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Cómo citar

D’Ottavio AE. Theoretical and behavioral features to be considered when planning and implementing a PBL Curriculum. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 20 de diciembre de 2016 [citado 8 de mayo de 2024];73(4):311-3. Disponible en:



Educación Medica