Prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and risk factors in rural population of San Luis, Argentina


  • María Fernanda Aguirre National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”
  • María Jimena Marro National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”
  • Christian Ballejo National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”
  • Alejandro Félix Sturniolo Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia
  • Alicia E.B. Lawrynowicz National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”



rural health, epidemiology, Argentina


The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and cardiovascular risk factors in a rural population in the province of San Luis, Argentina. Cross-sectional study developed between September and November 2017 with 18-year-old inhabitants and more than four towns in the Juan Martín de Pueyrredón department, San Luis. The participants answered questions by self-report on sociodemographic aspects, habits, psychosocial and risk factors for non-communicable diseases; physical measurements, FINDIRSC questionnaire and blood sample extraction were performed. Univariate estimates stratified by sex with their 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were obtained. We worked with sample expansion factors; crude and adjusted prevalences were calculated. The population consisted of 424 men (52.5%, 95%CI: 46.0-58.9) and 384 women (47.5%, 95%CI: 41.1-54.0). The adjusted prevalences for both sexes (by self-report) were: DM 11.8% (95%CI: 8.2-15.4); arterial hypertension (AHT): 35.5% (95% CI: 31.0-40.1); high cholesterol: 20.3% (CI 16.0-24.7). Males had significantly higher desirable HDL cholesterol and elevated blood pressure than females; women abdominal obesity in greater magnitude. 16.4% (95% CI: 11.0 - 23.6) had a high-very high risk of developing type 2 DM in the next 10 years. The adjusted prevalences of DM, hypertension, and high cholesterol were lower than those of the urban population of the province of San Luis. We highlight the pioneering contribution of this work to the knowledge of the health profile of rural communities in Argentina.


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Author Biographies


PhD in Biochemistry, National University of San Luis. Associate Professor Biology Area. Faculty of Biochemical Chemistry and Pharmacy. UNSL
Responsible Contact Fac. Qca, Bioqca and Fcia.- UNSL Tel.02664 659489 Ejército de los Andes 950 (5700) San Luis- Argentina. ORCID:

Degree in biochemistry. UNSL 1987. Doctor in Biochemistry. UNSL 2005. Associate Professor, Biology Area. Faculty of Biochemical Chemistry and Pharmacy. RESPONSIBLE for dictating the Workshop "Public Health and Epidemiology from Clinical Biochemistry for the Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry (Ord. 11/10 CD). From 2015 to date. He has collaborated in numerous courses of PROFESSIONAL UPDATE Given in the field of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacy of the UNSL by professors of the Department of Research and Teaching National Institute of Epidemiology "Dr. Juan H. Jara”. -“Epidemiology, Evolution and Challenges in the XXI century, from the miasma paradigm to Ecoepidemiology and Collective Health” 2012- “Introduction to Epidemiological Study Designs and their critical reading” 2013. “Epidemiological Surveillance and Health Surveillance” 2014 "Application of Epidemiology in the Health Planning and Programming Process" 2014 "Bioethical Aspects of Health Research" 2014. "Notions of Probability" 2015. "Epidemiology Course: Intermediate Level" 2015. ": Statistical Inference" 2016. “Introduction to Multivariate Descriptive Analysis”. 2016. Director of the research project of the National University of San Luis (PROIPRO 02-2616) "Social determinants, lifestyles, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in the province of San Luis. -2016-2017. Director of the research project of the National University of San Luis (PROICO 02-3618) "Social determinants, lifestyles, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular risk factors in rural populations of the province of San Luis.- 2018-2022


Magister in Pharmaceutical Chemical Sciences, Adjunct Professor. National University of San Luis. ORCID:
National Pharmaceutical. UNSL 1993. 1.2. Graduate in Biochemistry. UNSL 2002.. Master in Pharmaceutical Chemical Sciences. UNSL 2010. 33 postgraduate courses (2500 hours). Internship with topics related to Pharmacoepidemiology, FQByF 2004. Internship in the Epidemiological Research Department of the National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”, with topics related to the design and validation of databases. 2017. Adjunct professor -interim-, with functions in area 9 Basic Training in the Biological Chemistry subject and area 10 Professional Training in the course/workshop of Final Integrative Work of the Department of Kinesiology and Physiatry of the Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and Physiatry, since June 18, 2015 and continues. Collaborator in the dictation of the Public Health Workshop of the first year of the Nursing career, of the National University of San Luis. Member of the research project of the National University of San Luis (PROIPRO 02-2616) "Social determinants, lifestyles, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in the province of San Luis. -2016-2017. Member of the research project of the National University of San Luis (PROICO 02-3618) "Social determinants, lifestyles, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in rural populations of the province of San Luis.- 2018-2022

María Fernanda Aguirre, National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”

Teacher in Mathematics. National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”.

Professor of Mathematics and Cosmography. Superior Institute of Western Teachers. Hummock. Buenos Aires province. 1988. University Diploma in Teacher Training in Health awarded by the Undersecretary of Knowledge Management and Comptroller, Health Networks and Technology – Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires – National University of Tres de Febrero. 2017. He works as head of the Department of Exact and Natural Sciences - General Directorate of Schools and Culture of Pica. of Buenos Aires-1999. Statistical Technician – Computing and Statistics Service – Department of Epidemiological Research. - National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”- National Administration of Laboratories and Health Institutes “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”. Ministry of Health of the Nation. - 1994-1995. Hardware and Software Specialist – Information Technology and Statistics Service – Department of Epidemiological Research - National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara” – ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán” – Ministry of Health of the Nation- 1995 – continues.
-Marro, Maria Jimena. Master in Epidemiology, Management and Health Policies. Lanús National University. National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”. ORCID:
Medical. Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Rosario (U.N.R. – Argentina). Pediatrician. Awarded by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics. November 2004. Specialist in Pediatrics. Granted by the National University of Rosario. September 2006. December 2006.
Master in Epidemiology, Management and Health Policies. National University of Lanús. March 2009 to August 2011. Thesis title: Inequality trends in the maternal and child health situation in Argentina during the period 1990-2010. Current job performance National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”. Department of Investigation. line of research: epidemiology of diabetes mellitus. Silver Sea. April 2013 to present.
Member of Doctors of the World. Member of the national executive board. in charge of vice presidency 2º. Argentine representative in the International MDM Network.

María Jimena Marro, National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”

Master in Epidemiology, Management, and Health Policies. Lanús National University. National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”. ORCID:
Medical. Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Rosario (U.N.R. – Argentina). Pediatrician. Awarded by the Argentine Society of Pediatrics. November 2004. Specialist in Pediatrics. Granted by the National University of Rosario. September 2006. December 2006.
Master in Epidemiology, Management, and Health Policies. National University of Lanús. March 2009 to August 2011. Thesis title: Inequality trends in the maternal and child health situation in Argentina during the period 1990-2010. Current job performance National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”. Department of Investigation. line of research: epidemiology of diabetes mellitus. Silver Sea. April 2013 to present.
Member of Doctors of the World. Member of the national executive board. in charge of vice presidency 2º. Argentine representative in the International MDM Network.

Christian Ballejo, National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”

Systems Specialist. National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara” christiaBallejo,        ORCID:

Systems specialist. - Awarded by the Institute of Systems - IBM Mar del Plata 1996. He works for the Information Technology and Statistics Service, Department of Epidemiological Research - National Institute of Epidemiology "Dr. Juan H. Jara”. Administration of Laboratories and Institutes of Health “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán” as Computer Technician from March 1997 to September 2002 and Hardware and Software Specialist September 2002 to date.

Alejandro Félix Sturniolo, Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química Bioquímica y Farmacia

Graduate in Biochemistry, National University of San Luis. Adjunct Professor of the Clinical Analysis Chair of the Faculty of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Pharmacy
Degree in biochemistry. UNSL 1989. Adjunct Professor of the Clinical Analysis Area. Faculty of Biochemical Chemistry and Pharmacy. Microbiology specialist. He has worked in private activity at the Clinical Analysis Laboratory, Sanatorio Rivadavia de San Luis. Member of the research project of the National University of San Luis (PROIPRO 02-2616) "Social determinants, lifestyles, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in the province of San Luis. -2016-2017. Member of the research project of the National University of San Luis (PROICO 02-3618) "Social determinants, lifestyles, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in rural populations of the province of San Luis.- 2018-2022.

Alicia E.B. Lawrynowicz, National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara.”

Master of Public Health. National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara” ORCID:

Physician: Awarded by the "Nicolas Copernicus" Academy of Medicine. Jagiellonian University. Krakow, Poland. Year 1982. Master in Public Health (The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health,) Final work: Population and Coverage Adjustment. In Search of the Real Target Population of the Expanded Program on Immunization. Argentina 1995. Head in charge of the Department of Epidemiological Research, since December 31, 2014 National Institute of Epidemiology “Dr. Juan H. Jara”. Free teacher. Epidemiology Chair. Resolution Act No. 240. Faculty of Medical Sciences. National University of La Plata. 2011, March 1, 2011. Responsible for the Public Health and Epidemiology Module. Postgraduate in Epidemiology. School of Public Health. National University of Cordoba. Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic. September 2010 and continuing. Academic Manager for Epidemiology and Health Surveillance course. Virtual Educational Platform. Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires. April 2010 and continuing. Head of the Chair of Community Health and Medicine, Mar del Plata Branch, Faculty of Medical Sciences - National University of La Plata. July 2004 and continuing.


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How to Cite

Salinas E, De Pauw MC, Aguirre MF, Marro MJ, Ballejo C, Sturniolo AF, Lawrynowicz AE. Prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and risk factors in rural population of San Luis, Argentina. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];81(1):5-23. Available from:



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