Evaluación morfológica de las uniones intercelulares en ovario del embrión de pollo: acción de hormonas esteroideas y gonadotróficas IN VITRO


  • Rodolfo Ávila Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
  • María Elena Samar Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Sofía Parisi de Fabro Universidad Nacional de Cordoba- Facultad de Ciencias Médicas




ovary, chick embryo, intercellular junctions, gonadotropins, steroids, cultures


Variations of the intercellular junctions of the germ and epithelial cells of the ovarian epitheliurn produced by gonadotropic and esteroid hormones were determined on ovaries of the chick embryo at 7 days of development.
Explants of right and left ovaries were cultured without (control) or with hormones eddition (experimental) for 4 days. Cultures were
processed for their ultrastructural study. In both control ovaries the union complexes were similar to those identified in ovo. Under the action of 17 f3-estradiol, an increase and a greater development of adherens junctions vas observed in the left ovary; in the right
ovary, adherensjunctions diminished by actionof 17 l3-estradiol. The response of the left ovary to progesterone and testosterone was similar to that seen with the estrogen. No changes were observed in the right gonad. A disminution of intercellularjunctions Nvas produced in both ovaries under the action of FSH. The changes produced by LH and hCG were similar to those find in the left ovary with the estrogen, consisting of an increase of the union complexes, mainly of the adherens type. These results indicate that steroid and gonadotropic hormones act by modifying intercellular junctions and would participate in the processes of growth and atrophy that occur in the ovaries of the chick embryo.


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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Ávila, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

II Cátedra de Histología y Genética.

María Elena Samar , Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

II Cátedra de Histología y Genética.

Sofía Parisi de Fabro , Universidad Nacional de Cordoba- Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

II Cátedra de Histología y Genética.


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How to Cite

Ávila R, Samar ME, Parisi de Fabro S. Evaluación morfológica de las uniones intercelulares en ovario del embrión de pollo: acción de hormonas esteroideas y gonadotróficas IN VITRO. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 1995 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];53(1):5-10. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/40552



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