Colectomía derecha ampliada. Lugar en el tratamiento del cáncer de colón izquierdo proximal obstructivo


  • Luis Gramática (h) Clínica Sucre SRL.
  • Paul Eduardo Lada
  • Andrés Mercado Luna
  • Roberto Badra
  • Diego Bono
  • Luis Gramática



ampufying riglit colectomy, obstructive lefi colon cancer


The resu lts obtained about ni neteen (19) patients operated by left colon cancer with variable grade obstruction have buen analysed. Seventeen (17) patients operated doe tu obstructive leO colon cancer situated: Ove (5) ni distal transvcrse colon, other Ove (5) at splenic tiexure and seven (7) in proximal descending colon but threc of theni with right synchronic neoplasias. The reniaining two (2) that showed a cancer located at splenic [lexure and the other une m proximal descendi ig colon veie reuperated thrce weeks later than a ansverse colostomy liad been performecl owing lo an obstructive condition. (i)ne patient
had tu be reoperatcd because a generalised peritonitis fioni a tistula with partial disruption oil end tu end ¡leo-col ic anastomosis
Exteriorisation of both ends vas carried out with fiivourable evulution and subseclueni reanastomosis. An exteriorised patient by
splenic fiex ure cancer a Isu liad tu lic dra ned ten days later for a retroperitoneal ahsccss through a percutaneous puneture and a lesion grade 1 in lower pule of spleen vas resolved with electrofulguration. No patient has showed invalidating diarrhea and all themselves llave heen stabilised with two uy ifree stools daily about two rnonth afier surgery. Amplifying right colcctomy is a safe procedure with low surgical morbimortality and lake privileged place in the treatment of dic patients undergoing synchron ical neoplasias and/or carcinomas associatcd with polyps, specially in all those cases when a variable grade of obstruction have occurred.


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Author Biographies

Luis Gramática (h), Clínica Sucre SRL.

Clínica Sucre SRL.

Paul Eduardo Lada

Clínica Sucre SRL.

Andrés Mercado Luna

Clínica Sucre SRL.

Roberto Badra

Clínica Sucre SRL.

Diego Bono

Clínica Sucre SRL.

Luis Gramática

Clínica Sucre SRL.


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How to Cite

Gramática (h) L, Lada PE, Mercado Luna A, Badra R, Bono D, Gramática L. Colectomía derecha ampliada. Lugar en el tratamiento del cáncer de colón izquierdo proximal obstructivo . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];56(1):97-100. Available from:



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