Estudio estructural comparativo de los blastomas gliales del Sistema Nervioso Central


  • Adelaida Rodríguez Hospital Misericordia
  • Hugo Cejas Hospital Misericordia



Gliomas, Silver irnpregnation, immunomarking for GPFA, histogenesis, Ciassification


The objective ofour work is tu compare 2 diagnostics methods and denionstrate the similarities of the ditferent Central Nervous
System (ilial Tumor Classifications. 1 mm unomarki ng tec h niques for gliofibrilar acid protein (GFAP), and special silver impregnations to compare the results acco rdi ng tu the last h i stogen clic interpretations were Lised.

95 Glionias were studied with heniatoxiline-eosine and silver techniques, and in 58 randomized selected cases the techniquetor GFAP was also used Both iriethods showecl the sanie results in the diagnosis of Glial Tuniors whose cells possess gliotibn Is: Glioepitelioma (Ependynionia), (3 lioblastomu, Astroblastoma, and Astrocytoina.
In the Oligodendrioglomas whose cells possess inicrotubules but not gliofibrils, 11-te silver tecliniques marked these cells and their
pi-olongitioiis while the technique for GFAP did not.
Regardi ng (iliomas, there are similarities by coniparing dic Del Río Ortega- Polak classilication with those ofthe \VHO and other authors. There are differences only in ihe "mimes" of sorne tumors or ni their histogenetic interpretation, which are not
substantial and are conhned to the "Polar Espongioblastorna'' and "Ghosarconia". Thercfore. ve think that the recongnitlon of the Del Río 1 Iortega-Poiak classification isjustilied.


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Author Biographies

Adelaida Rodríguez, Hospital Misericordia

3' Cátedra de Patologia. 

Hugo Cejas, Hospital Misericordia

3' Cátedra de Patologia. 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez A, Cejas H. Estudio estructural comparativo de los blastomas gliales del Sistema Nervioso Central . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 15 [cited 2024 Jun. 17];56(1):43-64. Available from:



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