Revisión casuítica de la patología adrenal durante los últimos 23 años


  • María Vaca Hospital San Roque
  • Carolina González Hospital San Roque
  • Ve´ronica Vega Hospital San Roque
  • Marcela Martínez Hospital San Roque
  • Martín Paradelo Hospital San Roque



Adrenal, easuistic revision, primary tumors, metastasis, infectious diseases


Wc present a casuistic revision of adrenal pathology, which was studicd in our service during the period Janaury 1977-July
2000. We revicwed 59.069 hiopsies and 2.674 autopsies and we 84 cases. founded with the following findings:
Primary tumors 25%
Secundary tumors 51%
lnfectious diseases 11%
Miscellane.ous 12%
Unsuitable for diagnosis 1%

Hyperpiasi as, adenomas, pheochromocy-tomas, neuroblastorna, adenocarcinorna are included within primary tumors.
The metaslasic tumors corresponded to: lung, pancreas, mammary gland, kidney and carcinomas; endornetrial adenocarcinoma,
lymphoma, melanoma, hepatocarcinoma, gastric carcinoma, testicular teratocareinorn a, sk in epydermoid carcinoma, uterus
choriocarcinoma and a primary germinal tumor of the thymus.
Within infectious diseases we founded tuberculosis, hystoplasmosis, cryptoeocosis. hydatidosis.
Miscellaneous included hematoma, hemorrhage, pseudocyst, Disseniinated Intravascul ar Coagulation (DIC), athrophy, Wegener's granulomatosis, myelolipo[na, hemorrhagic necrosis. There was only one case which was unsuitable for diagnosis due to insuf'ficient material.


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Author Biographies

María Vaca, Hospital San Roque

Servicio de Anatomía Patológica 

Carolina González, Hospital San Roque

Servicio de Anatomía Patólogica 

Ve´ronica Vega, Hospital San Roque

Servicio de Anatomía Patológica 

Marcela Martínez, Hospital San Roque

Servicio de Anatomía Patológica

Martín Paradelo, Hospital San Roque

 Servicio de Anatomía Patologógica 


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How to Cite

Vaca M, González C, Vega V, Martínez M, Paradelo M. Revisión casuítica de la patología adrenal durante los últimos 23 años . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2001 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];58(1):109-16. Available from:



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