Aspectos subcelulares de la inervación de las células intersticiales del ovario de embrión de pollo cultivado con LH O hCG


  • Rodolfo Ávila Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
  • María Samar Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Ricardo Ferraris Hospital de Urgencias. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Claudio Centurión Hospital de Urgencias. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas



Ulltrastructure, Intertitial cell, Innervation, Chick emhryo ovary, In vitro, LH, hCG


Severa¡ authors have shown the effect of LH or hCG gonadotrophins on steroid secrelion in the chick cmhryo ovary. However,
the effects of luteinising horrnonc or human chorionic gonadotropin on chick emhryo ovary innervation have no[ heen studied. 1hc ptlrposc of the present work was to study the subcellular aspects of interstitial cells innervaliOn in chick enibryo ovaries cultured with LI-I or hCG Coobs White Rock female chick embryos at 7, 11 , 15 and 19 days of i ncubation (i n ovo) were employed. Explants of the left and right ovaries were cultured separately for 4 days in: 1- Basic medium (control): minimum essential medium
(MEM-GIBCO) with 107 hovine fetal serum. 2- Basic medium with added LII or liCO (problems). The cultures were processed to be
studied ultrastructurally ('l'EM). Left and right ovary explants wore fixed two hours al room temperature in Karnovskys fixative. The
tissues were then post-fixed in osmiurn tetroxide i n 0. 1 NT cacodylate buffer for one hour and after a rinse in buffer were dehydrated in acetone; aftcrwards they were embedded in Araldite resin. Thick sections stained with 1 C/. Toluidine blue were examined and photographed using a Zeiss Photo II microscope. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and
examined in a Siemens ElmisKop 101 electron microscope. Controls: In both ovaries the isolated interstitial cells and the appe:rance of nerve fibers and nerve endings were o!served in (he explants of 11 day cultured during four days and in a similar way at the age of 5 days of /o o vo clevelopmcnt. Problems : With\LH or hCG nerve fibers and nerve endings wer observed hoth in the right gonad and in the ¡nedulla of the left ovary in close cOntact with the steroid- producing interstitial ccl Is. Ultrastructurally, the interstitial cells are recognized by their typical oiganoids SER, Golgi apparatus. mitochondria with tubular crests and abundant lipidic droplets. The innervation of these cells were seen in ovaries at 7 days development, cultured during 4 days. The present state corresponds to
that of 11 days development in ovo. The nerve endings had mitochondria, microtubules and srnall and mediurn-sized vesicles, sorne with an electrodense content. These results jfl litro suggest that innervation of the ovaries is controlled by an indirect mechanism via the hypothalarnic-pituitary system and anoiher lo- cal with production neurotrophic factors modulated by LH.


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Author Biographies

Rodolfo Ávila, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

Cátedra de Biología Celular, Histología y Embriología. Cátedra de Informática Médica.

María Samar, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

Cátedra de Biología Celular, Histología y Embriología. Cátedra de Informática Médica.

Ricardo Ferraris, Hospital de Urgencias. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

II Cátedra de Patología

Claudio Centurión, Hospital de Urgencias. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas

II Cátedra de Patología


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How to Cite

Ávila R, Samar M, Ferraris R, Centurión C. Aspectos subcelulares de la inervación de las células intersticiales del ovario de embrión de pollo cultivado con LH O hCG. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2002 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];59(1):63-9. Available from:



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