

  • Roberto Madoery Hospital Universitario Privado de Córdoba


Partial risk, Global risk, Equivalent risk, Primary and secundary prevention, The education, Rols in the society


Human beings may have or may have not risk factors for arterial disease. Those having these factors may or may not suifer froni acute episodes of aterothrombosis. Those who suffer it, may have one or more nisk factors for arterial disease. For this long list of situations, there are strategies with some cornmon points. The prevention is of high priority, specially the primary one aim to those without FREA, in particular the children. It has been demonstrated the early beginning of the disease, that is why education is of great value and niust be extended (o all groups of ages. In sorne circuinstances, also en early ages, it is wise to investigate the clinic Human beings may have or may have not risk factors for arterial disease. Those having these factors may or may not suifer froni acute episodes of aterothrombosis. Those who suffer it, may have one or more nisk factors for arterial disease. For this long list of situations, there are strategies with some cornmon points. The prevention is of high priority, specially the primary one aim to those without FREA, in particular the children. It has been demonstrated the early beginning of the disease, that is why education is of great value and niust be extended (o all groups of ages. In sorne circuinstances, also en early ages, it is wise to investigate the clinic


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Author Biography

Roberto Madoery, Hospital Universitario Privado de Córdoba

Servicio de Diabetología y Nutrición


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How to Cite

Madoery R. Prevención . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2004 Aug. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];61:53-60. Available from:



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