An experience in the use of NTIC (new technology for information and communication) in the teaching process of the immune system


  • Ivón Novak Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales



Distance education, Significant learning, Immune system


Introduction: Not very often an integrated approach is applied in knowledge arcas as lmmune System, instead, the contents are usually a sort of "atomization" that prevents from having a holistic vision of the set as a whole. At the mornent, our university students usually incorporate the Internet lo their study work, similarly, the teachers can resort tu this tool to "widen" the boundaries of the real classes. Perhaps, to achieve a deeper study leve¡ in this knowledge field, the use of NTIC may resultan appropriate resource for complementing and supporting the current conventional techniques. Objective: To create a communication space designed to deepen and up-date knowledge as well as to help the student construct a comprehensive, signlficant structure of knowledge by making iriterrelations with concepts previously acquired. Material and Methods: Course supported in a digital platform Moodle like, in LEV. FCEF and N, UNC. http:// Category: Natural Sciences. / category.php)id=2 Resources: Power Point files: "Immune System" and "Cytokines"; forum discussion. Contents selected and organized upon a constructivist approach aiming at a reflective student responsible for his own learning (self learning). Results: The students according to their own concerns and time availability selected to deepen the knowledge fleid. The possibility to interact perrnanently in the discussion forum generated closer bonds between the participants, enriched the analysis about the different dealt issues, raised concerns that altogether brought about the rebuilding of the contents in a signiflcant learning. Conclusions: Bearing in mmd that the educational contents are vital, it also has been proved that the use of NTIC provides of tools for the distance education courses and of useful resources for the teaching-learning sciences. Gratefulness: Eng. Carlos Bartó, Director of LEV, FCEF and N, UNC.


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Author Biography

Ivón Novak, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

II Cátedra de Biología Celular, Histología y Embriología - Laboratorio de Enseñanza Virtual (LEV


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How to Cite

Novak I. An experience in the use of NTIC (new technology for information and communication) in the teaching process of the immune system . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2005 Sep. 25 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];62(3):63-7. Available from:



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