Cytoqueratina 7 y 20 in Barrett's esophagus


  • Antonio Arra Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana
  • Norma Nieva Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana
  • Natividad Rey Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana
  • Ángel Fernández Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana



Barrets esophagus CK 7 and 20 inmunoreactivity patterns


TRABAJOS DE ACTUALIZACIÓN CITOQUERATINAS 7 Y 20 EN EL ESÓFAGO DE BARRETT CYTOKERATINA 7 AND 20 IN BARRETT'S ESOPHAGUS Dres. Antonio Arra, Norma B. Nieva, Natividad Rey, Angel O. Fernández Servicio de Patología Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Quimo 91 811 A (1406) Floresta. Capital Federal. Tel/fax: 011 4612 6209 - ABSTRACT Barrett's esophagus (BE) has been identified as the niost important risk factor for adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus. BE has been categorized as long-segment (LSBE) if it extends 3 cm or more up the esophagus and as short-segrnent (SSBE) if it extends less than 3 cm unto esophagus. Intestinal metaplasia may also develop in gastric mucosa (IMG) at the gastroesophagealjunction. IMG has a much lower risk to progress to dysplasia or carcinoma when compared with SLBE or SSBE. Moreover, these conditions are difficult to distinguish one from another only based on endoscopic and morphologic criteria. Therefore the aún this study was to evaluate the cytokeratin (CK) 7 and 20 inmnunoreactivity patterns in these intestinal metaplasias with the purpose to determine the precise anatomic site of the biopsy. Biopsy specimens from 14 patients with LSBE, 6 with SSBE and 7 patients with ¡MG were inrnunohistochemically stained with monoclonal antibodies to CK 7 and 20. Barrett's CK7/20 pattern was characterized by superficial and deep CK7 reactivity and only superficial CK 20 staining in the intestinalized mucosa. This pattern was found in all 7 (100%) patients with LSBE, and was absent III all 7 patients with IMG. AII biopsy specimens from patients with IMG showed no staining for CK7 and diffuse surface positivity for CK20. 67% of the biopsy specimens from patients with endoscopic SSBE showed Barrett's CK7/20 pattern, and the remaining 33% specimens showed the IMG staining pattern. Based en our data the inmunohistochemical determination of CK7/20 is an excelent tool with high specificity in distinguishing LSBE and SSBE from IMG.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Arra, Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Servicio de Patología

Norma Nieva, Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Servicio de Patología

Natividad Rey, Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Servicio de Patología

Ángel Fernández, Hospital Escuela de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana

Servicio de Patología


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How to Cite

Arra A, Nieva N, Rey N, Fernández Ángel. Cytoqueratina 7 y 20 in Barrett’s esophagus. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2005 Sep. 25 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];62(3):57-62. Available from:



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