Reasons for consultation and healthcare strategies analyzed from a neighborhood dermatological assistance device. Qualitative research

Skin problems.Qualitative research.




qualitative research, primary health care, sanitary landfill, skin diseases, social epidemiology


Aim of study: identify consultation reasons, experiences with seeking dermatological assistance and skin care strategies within neighbours from an urban deprived settlement in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. This setting lies onto a sanitary landfill with a high index of environmental contamination.

Materials  and  methods: a dermatological health care team from the main local hospital designed a dermatological assistance device (DAD), in cooperation with social leaders and institutions of the neighborhood. The DADs included walks around the neighborhood for attending those who could not get a consultation. The experiences were evaluated through a qualitative research strategy, developed from the theoretical framework of Sociocultural Epidemiology. Those who attended the DADs were interviewed. Ethnographic field notes were also recorded. Multiple accessibility barriers to the public health care system were identified and self care practices were also recognized.

Results: The most frequent consultations to the DADs were for "pimples", "stains'' and "lumps" on exposed areas of the skin. These lesions generated discomfort or pain, or even affected the interviewees aesthetically or emotionally. Most of them  were associated to extremely dry skin and a high sun exposure, in connection with the lack of shade in the neighbourhood. An initiative to plant trees  was promoted in order to prevent sun radiation-induced dermatoses. 

Conclusion: the reflective immersion of the dermatology team in the realm of the neighborhood daily life enabled the development of attention strategies grounded on the perceived needs of the population.


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Author Biographies

Maria Florencia Bertarini, Medica

Specialist in Dermatology and Family Medicine. Associate Physician Dermatology Service Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.

Gimena A. Castro Perez, Medica

Physician Specialist in Dermatology. Head of the Dermatology Service, Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos (H.I.G.A.) Eva Perón de San Martín, Province of Buenos Aires.

Luciano Martin Mantiñan, Antropologo

Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Doctor in Social Anthropology. Member of the Humanities Research Laboratory (School of Humanities) Professor of the National University of San Martín, UNSAM.

Patricia Laura Alvarez, Licenciada en Enfermeria

Degree in Nursing. Adjunct professor at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). Bachelor of Nursing Mental Health Service Hospital Interzonal de Agudos (HIGA) Eva Perón de San Martín.

Morena Diaz, Profesora en Ciencias Antropologicas

Professor of Middle and Higher Education in Anthropological Sciences. Junior Researcher in the Population Health Research Area of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.

Nahuel Braguinsky, Profesor en Ciencias Antropológicas

Professor of Middle and Higher Education in Anthropological Sciences. Qualitative Researcher. Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires

Natalia Pereiro, Licenciada en Sociología

Graduate in Sociology. Epidemiology Section of the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires and Manager in the General Directorate of Community Health of the Ministry of Health of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

Jimena Vicens, Magíster en Epidemiología, Gestión y Políticas de Salud

Master in Epidemiology, Management and Health Policies. Researcher at the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires.

Adriana Dawidowski, Doctora en Ciencias Sociales

Doctor in Social Sciences. Qualitative Researcher. Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires

Silvana Figar, Magíster en Epidemiología

Master in Epidemiology. Head of the Epidemiology Section of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Coordinator of the Population Health area of the Research Department of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.

Luis Daniel Mazzuoccolo, Medico

Specialist in Dermatology. Head of the Dermatology Service of the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires


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How to Cite

Bertarini MF, Castro Perez GA, Mantiñan LM, Alvarez PL, Diaz M, Braguinsky N, Pereiro N, Vicens J, Dawidowski A, Figar S, Mazzuoccolo LD. Reasons for consultation and healthcare strategies analyzed from a neighborhood dermatological assistance device. Qualitative research: Skin problems.Qualitative research. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Jun. 26];78(4):430-6. Available from:



Humanism and Medicine